Wednesday, June 25, 2008

a TagLine

"Beautiful - Rich - Alone"
Ask Why

Maybe most of you confuse with those big HeadLine on my post. I found those words when i'm blogging several days ago. I think it is an interesting words. Simple but meaningful.
It was stated that the blogger saw it on a headline of Hollywood Magazine. I tried to browse, and then I found this.

I would'nt discuss about those three beautiful, rich and loneliness ladies. But, I try to figure it out, what kind of phenomena is happen currently.
I thought it is part of feminism, a new concept about women and men position. But later, i don't agree it is about feminism. And I started to think, is feminism comes from a disappointed feeling for men?

For simplifies, I will translate "beautiful - rich - alone" as a phenomena where girls don't get married. They feel comfort for their establishment of life and they don't think they need men. Men are only make ruin for their life. And, yes.. of course, so many bad guys out there who only used woman. It surely can happen if you see the world today. So many media showing a way on becoming junkers and so little media do the opposite.

More than that, so many stories about marriage failure where woman always become a fictim. Too fanatic or too ir-religion maybe the cause of it. They both are just the same, don't have a good understanding about religion, that is why people should choose their partner of life based on religion, where religion = good attitude (akhlakul karimah).

Understandable if the Headline shows up on a Hollywood Magazine, in a country which is not appreciate religion as a soul of life. And ladies, you don't have to be a part of lost communities who choose to live alone.. There are lots of fachries out there. Although i don't believe 100% of my sentence before :) , I just tried to tell there are still good guys out there, maybe not in front, beside, or around us. But there will be, if you willing to be good. Just trust to Allah.


Anonymous said...

siapa Ul??
menunjuk pada 'seseorang' kah?

btw, jangan terlalu banyak nge-blog di FS atuh.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful - Rich - Alone ?

Ini ngomongin Ulya?

Ulya Raniarti said...

gak menunjuk pada seseorang, tp tiga orang.
udah beli Flash Unlimited blm?spy g masalah ngeblog di fs :)

mas iman tll ber husnudzon, bukan saya mas :)

Anonymous said...

sumbernya blm dicantumin ya?

Anonymous said...

beautiful, rich, alone.. is it me?
hahahaha... becanda kok teh ulya,,, becanda banget :D

-serious mode on-

What i see in singapore is a little bit different. Most of young women have career (means that they are working), are beautiful, and have boyfriends.

Normally they have boyfriends. That's what i'm saying "little bit different"
They have boyfriends and perhaps they live together with their couples but they are not married.
A friend told me that normally they dont want to get baby because of their career.

I myself think that most women in this world still need men (that's why they still have boyfriends until now :D), but I think they dont want to get married because they dont want to lose career.

I believe that (most of) women in this world still need men. bacause it is natural way (fitrah) of human

Ulya Raniarti said...

pi :

iya... tadinya mau nyantumin tp g jadi.. lupa link nya :)
sok atuh... beritahu diriku kembali

Dewi :

Ya gapapa atuh wi,merasa R-B-A.. asal jangan kebawa fenomenanya aja :)
Semoga dimudahkan ya :D

Bener wi,women need men. But, men need women too... So, we have a bargaining position? *apa coba?makin ngelantur aja...

Anonymous said...


'Bener wi,women need men. But, men need women too... So, we have a bargaining position?'>> SEPAKAT!!hehe,:b

' just tried to tell there are still good guys out there, maybe not in front, beside, or around us. But there will be'>>smangat y do'akan saling mendo'akan y...:)

Ulya Raniarti said...

Bu Ratih, pa kabar, makasih udah mampir lagi :)

Komentarnya ratih banget nih :D
Miss U, segera aja ya Bu, biar Shohwah bisa kumpul-kumpul lagi di Bandung, kapan nih selanjutnya, he3x...

Barter doa? Sip!

Anonymous said...

Ya, jadi pengen bahas ini di blogku. Hehe, trims ya.

Ulya Raniarti said...

sok atuh teteh ..
ditunggu tulisannya, pasti bagus, kl teh ika yang nulis mah :)

Anonymous said...

Ya, today suddenly I've been thinking about that.

Ulya Raniarti said...

teteh ... sebenernya.. g boleh sih..
tapi.. tak dapat dipungkiri..
juga kembali tak perduli nih :)